Friday, October 30, 2009

Have We No Shame? (MEN AND WOMEN)

    What happen to us in America,? Shouldn't we be ashame of what we have become? What ever happen to morals and the strength in people, All the things that make a real man a man, and a woman and woman?
    Now days words like love and loyalty has lost its weight and became space fillers in everyday conversation. And marriage has become just a reception instead of a life long bond between a man and women and especially nothing to fight for and easily given up for selfish reasons and that has become normal. 
    Men, have we no honor or self pride? When did become uncool to raise are kids like the men that came be for us? What ever happen to being a leader, teacher, and protector and passing the lessons to our son's to mold them into a plain old simple good man? I'm not saying we are the same but it is starting to look that way by the we act. leaving women to raise our son's with know knowledge of being a man cause she only knows how to be women. So this child, this boy has to take your roll with no guidance so he is lost.
     WOMEN, I don't no where to start with ya'll. Most wont agree but women tend to put  a man first be for her child or herself, and they  tend to cling to the men that aint about shit, why is that? as far self respect goes, ya'll lose to the men agin. Let just keep it really real, most don't have none at all. and you can tell by the way women dress, the way they talk, and the way the carry theirself. Ladies let me let ya'll in on a  secret. The only way real man can only make threw life  is with a real women.  A real women is like glue, yall hold us togather and most men wont admit but we need ya'll. 

example .The only women i got love for is my  momma.  
Thats cool but at the end of the day she is a female.

  I do some of the same stupid shit i wrote too, but I strive to be better and i think we should all try. 

                                                         WHAT DO YOU THINK?